
Monstrous, 2022

The film is an American supernatural thriller movie of director Chris Sivertson and with the writer Carol Chrest. The movie premiered at the Glasgow Movie Festival and was released in the USA.

Cast Lists

Christina Ricci acted as Laura

Lew Temple acted as Mr. Alonzo

Santino Barnard acted as Cody

Nick Vallelonga acted as a Legionnaire

Colleen Camp acted as Mrs. Langtree


In the year 1950, Laura and Cody her 7-year-old son drive to the remote house in California to escape from the abusive ex-husband. Their family was threatened by the chance of his return and also the presence monster presence lurking in the nearby lake. Then they settled in. She send-off her son to the school, make their lunch and worked at the company doing her typing job. Cody seemed frightened because of some entity from a nearby lake lurking around the room at the evening. But after the direct encounter with a monster he seemed at ease with it and then called it “pretty woman from the lake”. However, still he wanted to go home, Cody always seems depressed and sad and fights with his mother to go back. Laura always refuses.

During his birthday, she arranged a party and invited his classmates. But then he says that nobody come, even when Laura insisted that he should in any case give it a try. Both of them decorated the house with balloons, then Laura cooks a delicious meal, but no one showed up. Laura went drunk and quit the job. She goes to the school to pick Cody but he is just nowhere to be found. She asked the policeman for some help.

At a police station, the lady asked Laura to remember the accident that just happened to Cody last year. Laura said that she was at the groceries last year and her husband had been looking after Cody, their son, but then Cody fell in the pool. When Laura came back, he’s still there, so Laura jumped into the pool and attempted on to saving him and the paramedics arrived. She insisted that they revived Cody and he was fine, she asked for water and then leaves the police post. When she arrives home, she saw Cody waits there. He pleads her to allow him to go as he must leave with the “beautiful woman of the lake”.

Writer’s Opinion


Monstrous movie has the best 50s soundtrack and settings. The actress is such a great star and really should have been given a more interesting work because she is not on the big panel as usual as she deserved to be.

What this movie does not have is something interesting and new to say. The movie plot had been done and the ‘twist’ may be seen from the miles away. Psychic trip and not an actual horror movie, but done with the best style in its cinematography and the dressing set with a gorgeous of period tunes.

Their lead performance had been on the spot on, with her willingness to please hardly concealing the wire-taut inner conflicts. From the beginning, it is clear that the audience had been in the subconscious world highly maintained in the technicolor dresses and the bob hairstyles, shadowed through subtle undertone in the score of generating the sense of uncanny. The speed does drag a bit, because the audience had no relief in their constant lookout for clues to the mystery. Even though the scenes had been crisp and nice and the editing is smooth, at some point, you will lose yourself in the events.

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